Joseph Sinnona posted on December 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM

Brr, the cold weather has finally set in and with it, a bunch of rentals, contracts yet to be signed and renewed listings for the new year. I love this time of year in real estate because just as it seems that all go on a holiday hiatus, hectic-ness sets in and it feels like spring again. People have needs all year round, but especially around holiday time, does a salesperson get a preview of what is to come in the new year.
It is in the new year, that all will be renewed and that the problems of this year will somehow fade to , to the new year. But first there are the holidays to deal with, the cold weather which means pipes freezing at my management properties and those renters who remain delinquent in rental payments since Thanksgiving.
Just once, i would like to see the calm in the season where everything is perfect. When all tenants pay their rent on time, where sellers do not yell at you for not doing "your job", where listings get renewed without question, where closings actually close on time. Just once would I like to see as a salesperson, the whole world of real estate come together and exchange ideas, concerns and plan a vision for the new year to work together without nastily fighting their way to a lousy commission.
The truth to this perfection is found in Chicken Soup. The ingredients for soup can be compared to the real estate world. First, you have the chicken, (the Realtor), then you have the carrots, (agents), the onions, (the brokers), celery (attorneys), the water, (people, customers & client),
potatoes (banks). For all of the soup to be tasty and cook perfectly, it has to be put into the same pot without getting too mixed around to a simmer. The right recipe begins with the right ingredients. And if needed, a little salt (faith in the deal) so that the soup tastes just right for eating. Buon' Appetite! Maybe the soup will taste better tomorrow, because the only thing that tasted good tonight for dinner was the actual soup my wife made me. Yum.