Joseph Sinnona posted on January 19, 2010 at 11:24 AM

It's been sometime since i blogged on the life of a salesman. The holidays keeps us all in a daze till around mid January because there is so much to do after Christmas. Well since the beginning of the year, i have listed quite a bit of property and more on the way. I think when people settle into a new year, they contemplate life and its many changes. One being, "the big move". I have had so many people call me and ask me about market conditions because they are thinking about moving south. Whats wrong with living here in the north? Well for starters, people are running because of the high taxes they are paying here on Long Island. I don't blame them. I have had to pay three types of taxes in just a short 6 months and i am not done yet. In fact by February 9th, the general taxes are due for Nassau county, the first half of the city taxes is due and school taxes follow. Its no wonder why so many people are sick of it. Why doesn't someone build a big ship and dub it "Boston tax party"? I would board it and with it throw my tax bills overboard. I digressed, or did i? No the big move is about moving away, and off Long Island. Out of New York. And the politicians don't seem to be getting it. They are constantly taxing us to pay for losses. Hmmm, why doesn't someone pay us for our losses out of the taxes we have already paid for?
I think the government will see the light when no one is left, when everyone has moved off the island. The first to go are the seniors, then followed by my generation of youngsters who cant even get a job here, or raise a family. Then the middle class will wise up and leave, leaving the very rich to fend for themselves. But rich people are wise too, they will stop the flow of money into the coffers of these politicians who run every year on the platform of "no new taxes". Hmmm, i hear that once. And once was enough for it was a lie back then, even a bigger one now. So what are you going to do today? Buy into their lies or do something about it. I have and continue to do so year after year. But my voice can't be the only one being voiced to these guys. I need your help so that we can all continue to live here on Long Island. Start today and when you see your local politician, stop them and say, "enough is enough, lets stop this unlawful taxation".